Timetable on PC

timetables on pcTo help you to better prepare your journey, we offer you the opportunity to plan your journey with real-time information! All you have to do is select which service(s) you wish to use.

Real-time information

  • Timetable
    Plan your journey from door to door with real-time travel information. Expected delays and cancelled trains are integrated into your request. When there are long delays or connections are not guaranteed, we suggest an alternative route.
  • Real-time information
    View the real-time departure and arrival times of the trains in a certain station.
  • Widgets
    Activate a widget and stay informed with real-time information about your travel itinerary.

Cookie Policy

By using the NMBS/SNCB website you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with our cookie policy. For more information about the cookies we use and manage, please read our full cookie policy.